
The motorcycle comes from Japan. On the local market it was called “EARA”. EU customs duty has been paid and Honda is ready to register.

For sale we have the most wanted model Honda CB750A1 in color Candy Sword Blue. It is in excellent visual and technical condition. I invite you to view photos and film.

Hondamatic was produced in 1975-77. There were three versions of this model: CB750A, CB750A1 and CB750A2. Most changes have been made in the A1 version, the look of the seat and exhaust pipes has changed. In the A2 model appeared the cast alloy wheels.

The automatic gearbox has two gears, which we change by foot. Down “Low”, center “Neutral” and up “Drive”. The motor uses a torque converter.

The Hondamatic name comes from Honda’s first automatic transmission produced from 1973 to 1979. It was initially only used in Honda cars. Later, its modified version on CB 750, CB 400 and CB 450.

We ship motorcycles across Europe as well as outside. We only use the services of professional carriers. Our shipments are insured.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.